--- Following Query for Inv, Credit memo . Debit Memo , Deposit
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, d.gl_date, b.customer_trx_id,
b.trx_number, TO_CHAR (b.trx_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') trx_date,
NULL receipt_number, NULL receipt_date,
SUBSTR (b.comments, 1, 50) remarks, d.code_combination_id account_id,
b.invoice_currency_code currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
d.amount amount,
(d.amount * NVL (b.exchange_rate, 1)) amount_other_currency, f.TYPE,
b.customer_trx_id, d.customer_trx_line_id, b.ROWID, z.LOCATION
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ra_customer_trx_all b,
ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all d,
gl_code_combinations e,
ra_cust_trx_types_all f,
ar_payment_schedules_all g,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND b.bill_to_customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
AND b.complete_flag = 'Y'
AND d.customer_trx_id = b.customer_trx_id
AND d.account_class = 'REC'
and e.segment4 = '208030101'
AND e.code_combination_id = d.code_combination_id
AND f.cust_trx_type_id = b.cust_trx_type_id
AND f.TYPE IN ('INV', 'CM', 'DM', 'DEP')
AND d.latest_rec_flag = 'Y'
AND g.customer_trx_id = b.customer_trx_id
AND b.bill_to_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
--AND trunc(b.trx_date) between trunc(:p_start_date) AND trunc(:p_end_date)
AND TRUNC (g.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
AND g.payment_schedule_id IN (SELECT MIN (payment_schedule_id)
FROM ar_payment_schedules_all
WHERE customer_trx_id = g.customer_trx_id)
-- Following Query for Cash receipts
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, e.gl_date, 0, NULL, NULL,
b.receipt_number, TO_CHAR (b.receipt_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), NULL,
d.cash_ccid account_id, b.currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
b.amount amount,
(b.amount * NVL (b.exchange_rate, 1)) amount_other_currency,
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ar_cash_receipts_all b,
gl_code_combinations c,
ar_receipt_method_accounts_all d,
ar_cash_receipt_history_all e,
ar_payment_schedules_all f,
(SELECT MIN (acrh1.cash_receipt_history_id)
FROM ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh1
WHERE TRUNC (acrh1.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date)
AND TRUNC (:p_end_date)
AND acrh1.status <> 'REVERSED'
FROM ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh2
WHERE acrh2.cash_receipt_id = acrh1.cash_receipt_id
AND TRUNC (acrh2.gl_date) <
TRUNC (TO_DATE (:p_start_date)))
AND acrh1.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,acrh1.org_id)
GROUP BY acrh1.cash_receipt_id) g,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
--Added the above inline view by sanjikum for Bug # 3962497
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND b.pay_from_customer = hzca.cust_account_id
AND b.remit_bank_acct_use_id = d.remit_bank_acct_use_id
AND d.receipt_method_id = b.receipt_method_id
AND d.cash_ccid = c.code_combination_id
AND e.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND e.cash_receipt_id = g.cash_receipt_id
AND e.cash_receipt_history_id = g.cash_receipt_history_id
--added the above 2 conditions by sanjikum for Bug # 3962497
AND f.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND b.customer_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
--AND e.current_record_flag = 'Y' --commented by sanjikum for Bug # 3962497
AND TRUNC (e.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
-- Following Query for Receipt WriteOff
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, e.gl_date, 0, NULL, NULL,
b.receipt_number, TO_CHAR (b.receipt_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), NULL,
d.cash_ccid account_id, b.currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
g.amount_applied amount,
(g.amount_applied * NVL (b.exchange_rate, 1)
) amount_other_currency, 'W/O' TYPE, 0, 0, b.ROWID, z.LOCATION
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ar_cash_receipts_all b,
gl_code_combinations c,
ar_receipt_method_accounts_all d,
ar_cash_receipt_history_all e,
ar_payment_schedules_all f,
ar_receivable_applications_all g,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND b.pay_from_customer = hzca.cust_account_id
AND g.applied_payment_schedule_id = -3
AND g.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND g.cash_receipt_history_id = e.cash_receipt_history_id
AND g.status = 'ACTIVITY'
AND b.remit_bank_acct_use_id = d.remit_bank_acct_use_id
AND d.receipt_method_id = b.receipt_method_id
AND d.cash_ccid = c.code_combination_id
AND e.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND f.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND b.customer_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
AND TRUNC (e.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
FROM ar_cash_receipt_history_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND status = 'REVERSED')
-- Following Query for Receipt Reversal
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, e.gl_date gl_date, 0, NULL,
TO_CHAR (e.trx_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') trx_date, b.receipt_number,
TO_CHAR (b.receipt_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), NULL,
c.code_combination_id account_id, b.currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
b.amount amount,
(b.amount * NVL (b.exchange_rate, 1)) amount_other_currency,
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ar_cash_receipts_all b,
gl_code_combinations c,
ar_receipt_method_accounts_all d,
ar_cash_receipt_history_all e,
ar_payment_schedules_all f,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND b.pay_from_customer = hzca.cust_account_id
AND b.remit_bank_acct_use_id = d.remit_bank_acct_use_id
AND d.receipt_method_id = b.receipt_method_id
AND d.cash_ccid = c.code_combination_id
AND e.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND f.cash_receipt_id = b.cash_receipt_id
AND b.customer_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
AND e.status = 'REVERSED'
AND TRUNC (e.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
AND b.reversal_date IS NOT NULL -- SSUMAITH
-- Following Query for Adjustments
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*A.PARTY_NUMBER*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, b.gl_date, 0, b.adjustment_number,
TO_CHAR (b.apply_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') trx_date, NULL receipt_number,
NULL receipt_date, SUBSTR (b.comments, 1, 50) remarks,
b.code_combination_id account_id,
c.invoice_currency_code currency_code, c.exchange_rate,
b.amount amount,
(b.amount * NVL (c.exchange_rate, 1)) amount_other_currency,
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ar_adjustments_all b,
ra_customer_trx_all c,
ar_payment_schedules_all d,
gl_code_combinations e,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE b.customer_trx_id = c.customer_trx_id
AND a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND c.bill_to_customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
AND b.status = 'A'
AND e.code_combination_id = b.code_combination_id
AND b.payment_schedule_id = d.payment_schedule_id
AND b.customer_trx_id = d.customer_trx_id
AND c.bill_to_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND c.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,c.org_id)
--AND trunc(b.apply_date) between trunc(:p_start_date) AND trunc(:p_end_date)
AND TRUNC (b.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
-- -- Following Query for Discounts
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, d.gl_date, b.customer_trx_id,
b.trx_number, TO_CHAR (b.trx_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') trx_date,
NULL receipt_number, NULL receipt_date,
SUBSTR (b.comments, 1, 50) remarks, earned_discount_ccid account_id,
b.invoice_currency_code currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
d.earned_discount_taken amount,
d.acctd_earned_discount_taken amount_other_currency, 'DSC' TYPE,
b.customer_trx_id, 0, b.ROWID, z.LOCATION
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ra_customer_trx_all b,
ar_receivable_applications_all d,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND b.bill_to_customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
AND b.complete_flag = 'Y'
AND d.earned_discount_taken IS NOT NULL
AND d.earned_discount_taken <> 0
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
AND b.customer_trx_id = d.applied_customer_trx_id
AND d.application_type = 'CASH'
AND d.display = 'Y'
AND b.bill_to_site_use_id = z.bill_to_site_use_id
AND TRUNC (d.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC
-- Following Query for Exchange Gain and Loss
SELECT b.org_id,hzca.cust_account_id customer_id,
hzca.account_number /*a.party_number*/ customer_number,
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 7256288*/
a.party_name customer_name, d.gl_date, b.customer_trx_id,
b.trx_number, TO_CHAR (b.trx_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') trx_date,
c.receipt_number, TO_CHAR (c.receipt_date,
'DD-MM-yyyy') receipt_date,
DECODE (e.amount_dr, NULL, 'CR', 'DR') comments,
e.code_combination_id, b.invoice_currency_code, b.exchange_rate,
NVL (e.amount_dr, e.amount_cr) amount,
NVL (e.acctd_amount_dr, e.acctd_amount_cr) acctd_amount,
e.source_type, 0 customer_trx_id, 0 customer_trx_line_id, b.ROWID,
FROM hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts hzca,
ra_customer_trx_all b,
ar_cash_receipts_all c,
ar_receivable_applications_all d,
ar_distributions_all e,
hz_cust_site_uses_all z
WHERE a.party_id = hzca.party_id
AND hzca.cust_account_id = b.bill_to_customer_id
AND b.customer_trx_id = d.applied_customer_trx_id
AND c.cash_receipt_id = d.cash_receipt_id
AND e.source_id = d.receivable_application_id
AND b.bill_to_site_use_id = z.site_use_id
AND b.org_id = NVL(:p_org_id,b.org_id)
AND e.source_type IN ('EXCH_LOSS', 'EXCH_GAIN')
AND TRUNC (d.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (:p_start_date) AND TRUNC