Showing posts with label XML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XML. Show all posts

Oracle R12: Various Programs End with Warning: Concurrent OPP Response Timeout

R12: Various Programs End with Warning: The Output Post-processor is Running But Has Not Picked up This Request

Increase the value of profile "Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout" at the appropriate level

Logon to the applications with "System Administrator" responsibility
Navigate to Profile -> System
Query up the "Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout profile option
Increase the setting value.  For example--if set to 120 seconds you might increase the setting to 240.
Bounce the middle tier
Restarting the OPP and retest the issue.

If there is still a problem, follow the additional steps below which can improve the Output Post Processor (OPP) manager's performance and then obtain a new log file and OPP log for review:

1. Increase the number of Output Post Processors as follows:

Logon to Applications with "System Administrator" responsibility.
Navigate to Concurrent -> Manager -> Define.
Query up the "Output Post Processor" manager.
Click on "Work Shifts" and increase the number of processes.  For example: If there is currently a setting of 2 processes then increase it to 4.
In the "Parameter' field insure you have the following value:


2. Increase the value of the Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout profile option as follows:

Logon to Applications with "System Administrator" responsibility.
Navigate to Profile -> System.
Query for "Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout" profile option.
Increase the setting to a higher value. For example: setting the value to 3600 seconds =  1 hour.

3. Please insure the following settings:

Logon to Applications with "XML Publisher Administrator" responsibility.
Navigate to Templates -> Query up and open the template -> Edit Configuration -> FO Processing and insure you have the following settings:

Use XML Publisher's XSLT processor TRUE
Enable scalable feature of XSLT processor TRUE
Enable XSLT runtime optimization TRUE

Set the Temporary Directory to a valid path. (Under General properties in the same screen)
Insure the tmp directory has at least 5GB of free space or 20 times more than largest data file running.

4. Change the heap size for the concurrent process (If memory errors are occurring during XML data generation)

Under Concurrent > Program > Define, query for the Accounts Payable Trial Balance program. 
In the 'Options' field change the value to -Xmx1024M (or higher).
Restart the concurrent manager so that changes take effect.

XML Publisher Data Template

Step by Step Guide to create a sample XML Data Template:
Decide on the SQL Query
In the example, we are trying to get the following data from the AP_INVOICES_ALL Table
The query for the same will be like below:
SELECT  invoice_num
  FROM  ap_invoices_all;
Decide on the parameters
We will be using two parameters to limit the data being retrieved:
  1. ORG_ID
The resulting query will be like:
SELECT  invoice_num
  FROM  ap_invoices_all
 WHERE  org_id = :p_OrgId
   AND  vendor_id = :p_VendorId;
That’s all we need to construct the XML Data Template.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<dataTemplate name ="invoiceData" description="Invoice Data" Version="1.0" >
<parameter name="p_OrgId" dataType="number" />
<parameter name="p_VendorId" dataType="number" />
<sqlStatement name="Q1">
SELECT invoice_num,invoice_currency_code,invoice_amount
  FROM ap_invoices_all
 WHERE org_id = :p_OrgId
   AND vendor_id = :p_VendorId
<group name="G_INV" source="Q1">
<element name="INV_NUMBER" value="invoice_num" />
<element name="CURRENCY_CODE" value="invoice_currency_code" />
<element name="AMOUNT" value="invoice_amount" />

Save the same as “.xml” file in your local system. After saving the file, you should be able to open it in the browser. Double click the xml file and the file should open. The file will look as shown below:

Open MS Word. Go to Add-Ins. You will be able to see the BI Publisher Menu. Under the Menu, Select Data > Load XML Schema. Select the xml file that we just created.

Press OK. We will get the below template in the Word Document. Save the same as XXINV_DETAILS.rtf.

Go to XML Publisher Administrator responsibility and create a new Data Definition. Give the following for the fields:

Application – Provisioning (or your custom application)
Start Date – Automatically Populated
Press “Add File” next to Data Template. Browse and upload the XML Data Template that we have created here.
Go to Data Templates and create a new Data Template. Give the following details:
The Executable should always be XDODTEXE.
Click on Parameters and give the following details: