How To Find HSN Code

/***Query to Item HSN Code from Base Table***/

SELECT reporting_code
--INTO v_hsn_code
FROM apps.jai_item_templ_hdr jith,
     apps.jai_reporting_associations jra,
     apps.jai_regimes jr
WHERE     jith.template_hdr_id = jra.entity_id
      AND jra.reporting_usage = 'LR'
      --and jra.EFFECTIVE_FROM='01-JAN-2017'
      AND jra.effective_to IS NULL
      --and jra.REGIME_CODE='GST'
      AND jr.regime_id = jra.regime_id
      AND jr.regime_code = 'GST' ---Depen on setup
      AND jith.organization_id = :inv_org_id
      AND jith.inventory_item_id = :inventory_item_id
GROUP BY reporting_code;

How to find all concurrent program in a query

SELECT   va.application_name,
         a.user_concurrent_program_name AS user_concurrent_program_name,
         va.execution_file_name short_name,
         va.executable_name executable_name,
         NVL ((SELECT                                             ---LOB_CODE,
                 FROM xdo_lobs
                WHERE application_short_name = 'XXCUS'
                  AND xdo_file_type = 'RTF'
                  AND UPPER (lob_code) = UPPER (va.executable_name)),
              'NOT RTF'
             ) rtf_name,
         a.concurrent_program_name AS concurrent_program_name,
         DECODE (a.execution_method_code,
                 'P', 'Oracel Report',
                 'I', 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure',
                ) report_type,
         a.output_file_type, a.output_print_style,
         c.application_short_name AS application_short_name,
         b.column_seq_num AS column_seq_num, b.srw_param AS param_seq,
         d.flex_value_set_name AS values_set_name,
         'Select '
        ||CHR(10)||FVT.VALUE_COLUMN_NAME||' VALUE ' ||
         Decode (VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE, 'C', 'CHR', 'N', 'NUMBER', 'V', 'VARCHAR2', 'D', 'Date') ||
         '  Size  '||VALUE_COLUMN_SIZE ||' ,'
        Decode (VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE, 'C', 'CHR', 'N', 'NUMBER', 'V', 'VARCHAR2', 'D', 'Date') ||
         '  Size  '||VALUE_COLUMN_SIZE ||' ,'
        ||CHR(10)||FVT.ID_COLUMN_NAME||' ID '||     
        Decode (VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE, 'C', 'CHR', 'N', 'NUMBER', 'V', 'VARCHAR2', 'D', 'Date') ||
         '  Size  '||VALUE_COLUMN_SIZE ||' '
         DECODE (b.default_type,
                 'S', 'SQL Statement',
                 'P', 'Profile'
                ) default_type,
         DECODE (b.required_flag, 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO') required_type,
         DECODE (b.display_flag, 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO') display_type,
         b.form_left_prompt AS prompt
    FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl a,
         fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl b,
         fnd_application c,
         fnd_flex_value_sets d,
         fnd_executables_form_v va, FND_FLEX_VALIDATION_TABLES FVT
   WHERE a.enabled_flag = 'Y'
     AND a.application_id = va.application_id
     AND TRIM (va.executable_name) = TRIM (a.concurrent_program_name)
     AND a.concurrent_program_name =
                                 SUBSTR (b.descriptive_flexfield_name, 7, 100)
     AND a.application_id = c.application_id
     AND b.enabled_flag = 'Y'
     and va.execution_file_name like '%XX%'
     AND b.flex_value_set_id = d.flex_value_set_id
     AND b.flex_value_set_id = fvt.flex_value_set_id (+)
     AND a.application_id = 20003                      --(Your Application Id)
ORDER BY a.concurrent_program_id, b.column_seq_num, 1;